Archive for October 2011

MIPS 101

Tags: Computer Architecture, MIPS, Programming

To truly understand how a computer (or rather, the processor) does what it does, I highly recommend trying out an assembly language. You might never need it in your professional life (unless you're an embedded coder, or when you're working with portable devices and need to use ARM NEON for example), but understanding assembly can give you more insight into the inner workings of a computer system and help you design better code in other programming languages.

SPIM screenshot


Tags: Botnia, RoboCup, Robots

A couple of days ago I started to clean up my laptop and found a whole folder full of software I wrote for the Botnia RoboCup Small Size Leage team ( While most of the stuff is not very useful outside the team, I did find a simulator which was used principally to test the RRT algorithm for path planning, but also to test some basic strategies and as a teaching aid in a course on Object Oriented Programming.

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